Zeugma Exemple De Phrase. The zeugma is sometimes differentiated from syllepsis. like zeugma, syllepsis also employs the technique of using a single verb for more than one part in a sentence, but where that single verb applies grammatically and logically to only one. Le zeugma, zeugme, ou attelage est une figure de style qui consiste à mettre en rapport un mot, généralement un verbe ou une le zeugme syntaxique consiste à éviter la répétition d'un élément dans une phrase construite avec deux membres parallèles.
Zeugma is the joining of two parts of a sentence together through the use of a word or phrase.
Zeugma dans une phrase (en italien). This page has examples of both. In rhetoric, zeugma and syllepsis are figures of speech in which a single phrase or word joins different parts of a sentence. Thus examples of zeugmatic usage would include one subject with two (or more) verbs, a verb with two (or more) direct objects.